Pleasant Hill Brethren

May 19, 2024

Self Examination (Questions of Self Examination)

Passage: 1 Cor. 11
Service Type:

Self Examination….


Who is not worthy to partake (by choice)

Whosoever that loveth father/mother more
Whosoever does not take up his cross daily

How do we examine ourselves…

Pray that God would show us our sin.
Prayer: Examine-Investigate my Life
Prayer: Try-Find/Remove impurities
Question: Do I sincerely desire to follow Christ
Question: Do I keep the ordinances of God’s Word
Question: Do I give proper respect to God given authority
Question: Do I follow God’s Natural Order
Question: Do I avoid a spirit of contention of church practice
Question: Do I contribute to  the service corporately
Question: Do I avoid words and actions that remain divisive
Question: Do I avoid taking sides
Question: Do I share personal resources that remain in need
Question: Do I demonstrate a Christlike attitude

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