Pleasant Hill Brethren

Road to Emmaus/Christ's Words Forgotten/Jesus a Guest at Emmaus Unbelief (We need to see Jesus) Is our affection on something else other than Jesus? Are we seeking Jesus? Are we…

Do You Believe?

October 22, 2023
The certainty of our God He is the Son of God His death was enough We will follow Him and we will live also We have hope
Envy/Hatred Against Jesus, Rejection of Jesus, Pilate Finds No Fault in Jesus/Wants to Get Rid of Jesus, Herod Antipas Wanted to See Jesus for the Wrong Reasons, Are We Glad…


April 30, 2023
Two sets of signs, parable of fig tree, Words not pass away, watch pray worthy to escape
Paying taxes to Caesar, Jesus had heart for God and people, Jewish leaders only had heart for self, Jesus evades trap and Jews come up empty, Jesus has authority
Viewed Jesus as a threat and competition, Parable of a vineyard, Questioning the Son's Authority and not his Identity, Man rejects all authority, Any Authority granted is stewardship, Any Authority…
Mount of Olives, Jesus Needs the Colt, They Brought the Colt, Master over the Crowd, Jesus Wept over City, Jesus wants to give Peace, Redeemed with the Lamb

Impaired Vision

October 23, 2022
Cleared Vision, See His Need, What is Holding you back, Leaving Weights Behind, Knowing God's Will, Zacchaeus had a Longing to See Jesus, Spiritual 20-20 Vision
There will be mockers, There will be an increased desire for Christ's return, False teachers will abound, It will be similar to the days of Noah, It will be similar…

God or Mammon?

July 24, 2022
Covetous Like Pharisees, God is our Lord, Values of the Kingdom, Laying up Treasure in Heaven, Looking for Exceptions to Fulfill Lusts
Total Commitment, Bearing the Cross, Give up all that he is, Give up all that we have, Give up our Friends, Fully surrending to the Lord Jesus, Salt of Discipleship