Pleasant Hill Brethren

Kingdom Living

January 10, 2021
Each Kingdom Has It's Own Ruler, Citizens, and Laws. We Were Physically Born Into One Kingdom. Jesus Said I Am Sorry Fror You That Are Rich & Full & Laugh.…

Blessed Are Ye

November 29, 2020
Blessed be ye poor Blessed are ye that hunger now Blessed are ye that weep now Blessed are ye, when men shall hate, separate, reproach, cast ye out

Lord of the Sabbath

November 22, 2020
Sabbath Rest Was From The Beginning Pharisees Had Their Own Sabbath Rules It Is Lawful To Fulfill Needs On The Sabbath Honoring The Sabbath allows God to reward.
Lord's decision to Peter to launch and let down net Lord's decisions to Peter to Follow Leper's decision to worship, seek help from Jesus
31-32 Astonished at His Word 33-37 Man with unclean spirit 38-39 Simon's wife's mother - God at work in our day 40-44 Bring them unto Him

Tempted For You

August 16, 2020
Why Did Jesus Have To Be Tempted By The Victory oF Jesus Many Are Made Righteous The Son of Man, The Son of Adam Three Tests Stones to Bread, Is…
Jesus identified in baptism, with sinful men Jesus approved by the Father Jesus dedicated by the Spirit Jesus descended, geneology Jesus worshipped