Being Part of an Unshakable Kingdom
I. Believers have received a kingdom which cannot be moved! This has great implications.
__1. Future truth concerning the unshakable kingdom
__2. Present reality of this unshakable kingdom
____a. How to be a part of this unshakable kingdom
____b. Results of being part of the unshakable kingdom in our everyday living
______(1). Nothing can change the unshakable kingdom
______(2). Grace is readily available
II. Five truths for believers in the unshakable kingdom
__1. Those that trust in the Lord are unshakable Ps 125:1, Ps 16:8
__2. The hope of the believer is unshakable Heb 6:19
__3. The peace of the believer is unshakable John 14:27
__4. The joy of the believer is unshakable Ps 51:12, Rom 15:13, Prov 10:28, Ps 32:11, Ps 16:11
__5. Because we’ve been given an unshakable kingdom, God’s promises are unshakable Heb 10:23, Heb 13:8
III. The believer’s response to the unshakable kingdom Heb 12:28
__1. Filled with gratitude
__2. Offer acceptable service and worship to God