Pleasant Hill Brethren

April 14, 2024

Kingdom Series – Part 1

Passage: John 3:1-8
Service Type:

The Kingdom of God

Two Kingdoms (Kingdom of Christ/Kingdom of Satan)

Kingdom of Christ:

Initiated by teaching of Christ
Kingdom work in the past and the future.
Entered through the new birth (John 3:3-5)
God chose us.
Beatitudes: Requirements to enter.
New allegiance and standards (Heavenly values)
God Mindset (Spiritual Kingdom)
Rewards of entering the Kingdom.
Do we know about the Kingdom of God
Characteristics of Kingdom Citizens:

Love God and have a relationship with Him.
Love for your neighbor.
His obedience to the Kings laws and principles.
Bear fruit.

The Kingdom of Satan:

Evil of this world.
Organized government.
Spiritual and Earthly Kingdom
Seeks to sow unrighteous and disobedience.
Born into sin by the fall.
Uses unbelievers to influence the world.
Attacks believers to bring dishonor to God.
Endless resources and has no boundaries.
Defeated by death and resurrection of Christ.


We are delivered.
We are translated.
Are we living (walking) as a citizen?
Are we wheat or a tare (Are we living in sin)


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