Our attitude and approach to daily devotions, Principles of Bible reading, Personal application, Reasons for daily devotions
The Parable of the Rich Fool, Covetousness, Lay up treasure towards God, God takes care of wildlife of forest
Luke 5:1-11 Expository, Jesus in the ship, Peter's faith, Application
Sinless Innocent Substitute
Jesus before Pilate, Types of truth, What is truth, Warnings about neglecting truth
Examples of memorials People who have impacted your life Characteristics to emulate
God is a God of wrath, Justice and Judgment related, Examples of God's wrath from Bible, Examples of God's wrath from today
Aspects of God's Love, God's love is given to us, God's love demands a response, God's love brings judgment
The message of Jesus is the Kingdom of God You are either a member of the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of the world Characteristics of every kingdom Every…
Romans 12:3-21 Exposition, How to deal with self, How to deal with other Christians, How to deal with people of world
Passover Idol Worship God Judging the gods of this world Staff becoming a serpent (overcoming the snake gods) Turning the water into blood (overcoming the gods of agriculture/source of the…
Relationships, Endeavor to keep unity, Requires effort and sacrifice, Be thankful for each other
Explain Jesus walking on water, Setting, What happened in Jewish understanding, Prophetic
God made Jesus all to us, Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, Redemption, Image of church or God's control?
Results of an Intimate Relationship with God Knowing God more (Intimacy with God) will cause us to... 1. We Will Seek Holiness 2.We Become More Obedient to Him 3. The…
How God let us to this point What school will look like After school
Six titles/characteristics of God's Word (Psalm 19:7-9) The law of the Lord is perfect (converting). The testimony of the Lord is sure (edifying/instructing). The statutes of the Lord are right (rejoicing). The…
God views us as very important Trust and dependence Thanksgiving and praise What is God's calling to you?
The Conclusion (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) Fear God: Fear = Holy Awe (Reverence) Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom/Knowledge Fearing God brings pleasure to the Lord Keep His Commandments Love…
AUDIO ONLY "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" - Congregation Opening Prayer "Behold our God" - Student Body "Still, Still, Still" - Grades 5-12 Girls "Why Did My Savior Come to…
Excellency of knowledge of Christ, Experience, companion, Spiritual life, emotion, security, Relationship, not judge, God infinite
Self Love vs. Self Denial Why Some Christians Are Teaching Self Love. Starting from the Second Commandment. Low Self Esteem and Pride can be Results of Self Love We have…
Wonder of Wonders, By Him all things created, Sinless life, Sacrificial death, Ascended, coming again