God did not design us to automatically love and worship Him, if He had, it would not be true love and worship. True love doesn't need to be bought, its…
A brief history of the annual visit Why do we do it? We do it because we love and care for each other To ensure unity It is a time…
Jesus Overcame the World, Trust God's Sovereignty, Maintain an Eternal Perspective, Rely on God's Grace
Focus on things that remain the same. Truth is always the same. There is sin that will beset us. The cross still changes lives. God will be God. He will…
Who is Worthy Creation Groans Oneness with God Everlasting King The Lamb That Was Slain
Danger and Challenges of the Age How to discern truth from error: Know we have an enemy Consider the source Love the truth Be willing to work to discern Be…
Key Verse: Psalm 95:6 Three Ways to Come to Worship to God. Come in Body. Come in Spirit or Attitude (come humbly before our Maker) Come in Private. Ways to…
There is an immediate presence with the Lord There is consciousness, memory, and reasoning There will be recognition of other believers
Thanksgiving in Scripture Culture of Thanksgiving in the Home Pride The Unseen Thankful for the Ordinary Praise, Testimony Singing Prayer Gifts Time Service
How to Press On Distress (pressing on when in distress) Patience (while pressing on through trail and trusting God) Glory in infirmities (while pressing on) Stand for our convictions (while…
The curse- The original curse of sin was brought when Adam and Eve first ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden, The effect of the curse-An unforgiving spirit…
Peace is the sense of a comfortable relationship with God God doesn't have to postpone anything because He is to busy God is never taken by surprise, He is always…
Abstaining from Food for a Spiritual Purpose Why aren't we doing it more A Means to Humble Yourself Means to Know God Better Means of Spiritual Power Replace One Desire…
Observations on lack of peace Peace with God The intention to have peace --Intentional persistence --Don't expect perfection from others --Don't expect people to think like you --Peace takes wisdom,…
Self Examination Solution to world's problems God's goals in forgiveness Matthew 18 explained
God’s power and authority in His words God’s power and authority in love God’s power and authority in forgiveness
Why doesn't God always heal? Is God still in the business of healing people? Sometimes, it's very clear that He is; other times, it may not be so clear. Jesus…
Being a church member is not something to be treated lightly. We are to help each other, pray for each other, and lift each other up while working together as…
Suffering Brings Joy Lively Hope Fix Eyes on the Unmoveable
Jesus Is truth, Satan is the father of lies Jesus is the true vine, we as believers are the branches Father God is the husbandman; He trims the branches that…
John 12:32: Christ Lifted Up Glory in the Crucifixion Attraction to Christ Good works (random acts of kindness) generate Curiosity and glorifies Christ
The Fear of God (evidence in a Christian's life) Deep Respect and Reverence of God Awe of God and Submission to God Understand God's awesome Power. See God's awesome Mercy.…
Justification Peace with God Reconciliation Imputation Forgiveness Atonement Made Holy Propitiation Redemption Offence and Persecution New Covenant Power of God
Characteristics of Hell Fire Darkness Bondage Torments of Hell Loneliness Pain Suffering Be an overcomer To have an ear and listen to the Holy Spirit Hold fast Practical ways to…