Pleasant Hill Brethren

Does Jesus Care?

June 30, 2024
Does Jesus care about our burdens? Does Jesus care about our fears? Does Jesus care when we've fallen to temptation? Does Jesus care when we've lost a loved one?
Kingdom Series Part 2 (Previous in Series: The Kingdom of God Part 1: 14April2024) Kingdom of Israel Choosing and Calling of Israel. The Commencement of the Wilderness Wondering. Ruled by…
God Became Jacob's Strength,Jacob Asks for Help, God Became Jacob's Strength,Prevailing Prayer,Jacob Receives Handicap,Jacob's Identity, Dependent on Promises of God

Blessing Others

June 9, 2024
1.  The strong bear the infirmities of the weaker. 2. We are not to please ourselves.  

Looking for Jesus

June 2, 2024
Going the right way, Looking for Jesus, Seeking God, The Way the Truth and the Life, Trusting God

Heart of Jesus

May 12, 2024
Heart of a Mother, Forgiveness, Submitted Heart of Jesus, Tender Heart, Loving Heart of Jesus, Rom. 5:5

Be a Biblical Moderate

April 21, 2024
Let your moderation be known to all men. Two types of people, those that care about relationships and those that care about the truth. The moderate is in-between. To Be…
The Kingdom of God Two Kingdoms (Kingdom of Christ/Kingdom of Satan) Kingdom of Christ: Initiated by teaching of Christ Kingdom work in the past and the future. Entered through the…
We Received an Abundance of Grace, Believer's heart is to be established with grace, Strong in Grace, Grow in Grace,Mature in Relationship,Humility, Extend Grace to others, Access to the Throne…


March 17, 2024
Self Control, What is Temperance? Drunkenness, Glutony, II Pet. 1:5-8, Dead to Sin, Give our all to God, Benefits of Temperance, Incorruptible Crown, Life of Freedom

Hold Fast

March 10, 2024
Jude 3-5 The Call of God to Hold Fast Heb. 10:22-25-Example of the Children of Israel James 1:12-Example of Lot and his wife. I Peter 1:15-16 II Peter 1:12-13 Jude…


February 25, 2024
Redemption Story, Pilate a man used by God, Accusations against Jesus, Pilate Questions Jesus

A New Creation

February 11, 2024
II Corinthians 5:17 1. What it means to be "in Christ" (More than a follower) 2. The believer's Existence (A genuine belief) 3. The believer's Nature (old things vs. new…

Our Unstoppable God

February 4, 2024
Is Anything Too Hard For God? God's Purposes cannot be stopped Proverbs 19:21 Psalms 57:2 Philippians 1:6 Isaiah 55:8 Job 42:1-2 Psalms 138:8 God's Promises cannot be stopped Hebrews 10:23…


January 7, 2024
Examples/Definition of Sacrifice Requirements of a Sacrifice The Necessity of Sacrifice Jesus the Perfect Sacrifice What is our Response to Jesus' Sacrifice A Christian Life is a Life of Sacrifices

Holy Living

December 31, 2023
Follow After God's  Holiness, God's Wrath, Reading the Word, Taking up the Cross Daily, New Insights, Crucified with Christ, Thought Life, Victory thru Christ

And The Angels Rejoiced

December 17, 2023
Repentance Angels Rejoiced at Creation - Job 38 Angels Rejoiced at the Birth of our Lord - Luke 2 Angels Rejoice in the End Times when God's Will is Fulfilled…