Scripture warns us against making decisions based on impulse and desires. If we ask God to speak to us and He answers, are we willing to accept what He has…
A brief history of the annual visit Why do we do it? We do it because we love and care for each other To ensure unity It is a time…
What conditions led up to this prophecy? Manasseh shed innocent blood Last revival in Judah God's judgment
Who is Worthy Creation Groans Oneness with God Everlasting King The Lamb That Was Slain
Danger and Challenges of the Age How to discern truth from error: Know we have an enemy Consider the source Love the truth Be willing to work to discern Be…
A goal for our homes should be to be able to discern between truth and falsehood, we should search for the knowledge of Jesus, will the decisions made help us…
Abstaining from Food for a Spiritual Purpose Why aren't we doing it more A Means to Humble Yourself Means to Know God Better Means of Spiritual Power Replace One Desire…
The Anointing: What it is and what happens in an anointing service Anointing Meaning: To set apart for God's service: Exodus 30 Anointing for those who are sick. Anointing Purpose:…
Sinless Innocent Substitute
Jesus before Pilate, Types of truth, What is truth, Warnings about neglecting truth
Heart of a Mother, Forgiveness, Submitted Heart of Jesus, Tender Heart, Loving Heart of Jesus, Rom. 5:5
The message of Jesus is the Kingdom of God You are either a member of the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of the world Characteristics of every kingdom Every…
Redemption Story, Pilate a man used by God, Accusations against Jesus, Pilate Questions Jesus
Repentance Angels Rejoiced at Creation - Job 38 Angels Rejoiced at the Birth of our Lord - Luke 2 Angels Rejoice in the End Times when God's Will is Fulfilled…
The certainty of our God He is the Son of God His death was enough We will follow Him and we will live also We have hope
Early Life of Moses, First 40 years of Moses life, Parents hid Moses as baby by faith, By faith Moses refused to be called Pharaoh's daughter's son, Practical questions for…
Women Jesus healed, Women anointed feet of Jesus, Woman at well, Martha cumbered, Woman issue of blood, Women at cross
Two sets of signs, parable of fig tree, Words not pass away, watch pray worthy to escape
Disciples Sleeping Jonah Sleeping What are we letting in our homes Dangers of the Prosperity Gospel Similarities between physical and spiritual sleep Questions to know if you are sleeping Dangers…
When Shall These Things Be? What are the signs of His coming? Deception Wars Natural Disasters Persecution Be not deceived Be not terrified Settle it in your heart Possess Patience
Simeon a picture of hope, Simeon a picture of God's plan and purpose, Simeon a picture of joy
Their Eyes Where Opened, Two Mistakes, God comes calling
Cleared Vision, See His Need, What is Holding you back, Leaving Weights Behind, Knowing God's Will, Zacchaeus had a Longing to See Jesus, Spiritual 20-20 Vision
There will be mockers, There will be an increased desire for Christ's return, False teachers will abound, It will be similar to the days of Noah, It will be similar…
Prayer, Ask God for wisdom, Listen for God's direction, Read God's Word