Pleasant Hill Brethren


June 2, 2024
Examples of memorials People who have impacted your life Characteristics to emulate


September 18, 2022
We inherited a sin nature from birth. Bartimaeus cried out for help, in the face of criticism. Bartimaeus cast aside what little he had to come to Jesus. Bartimaeus knew…


September 17, 2022
Recognize there is things in life that you do not have control of, but God does. A life of faith is making a choice to leave Egypt. We are saved…


September 15, 2022
Noah built an Ark because he had faith. He took God at His Word. Noah Obeyed God.


September 13, 2022
Science can't prove historical facts, Designer, Diligently Seek Him, Rewards Us, Reconciled to Him, Surrendered Will, Walk in the Spirit  

Palm Sunday

April 10, 2022
Groups of People, Proud, Indifferent, Opposer, Then Came the Morning
What Are We Examining For? Am I Truly Saved? What Is The Purpose Of My Life? Is My Consience Clear? Am I Harboring Unforgiveness? Can You Pray God's Blessing On…