Missionary imperitive Personal responsibility What is the message? Spirit and missionary work
Anabaptist Understanding impact to missions Anabaptist challenges in missions Point people to Christ
Divine Order Body of Christ Prayer for Others Redemptive Purpose of Christ
Man Was Created to Live Confirmed in Man's Reasoning Nature Speaks of New Hope Confirmed in Christ's Earthly Ministry The Purpose of the Resurrection Christ the First Fruit
What is the Race? Perseverance, Patience, Endurance Sins to throw off Jesus author and finisher of faith
What is Biblical Honor? Attaching high value to someone or something Whom or What to Honor Principles of Biblical Honor How is Biblical Honor Expressed
The Cross and Natural Affections The Cross and The Self Life The Cross and the Souls Love for the World The Cross and Fruit Bearing
Inviters Rejecters Attendees Intruder
Glory of God in the Heavens The Speech of Heaven is One All Exposed to the Eyes of God Making Wise the Simple Poccessors of eternal Life The Value of…
Grace is universally available Effective teacher Effective redeemer Effective purifier or cleanser Effective to make us a unique people Effective in energizing us to spiritual service
Evidence of the Experience & Presence of God Our Salvation is The Root of Our Joy A Future Hope Brings Joy for the present Joy is Independent from Earthly Possessions…
Christ's Reign Christ Demostrated Power Over Men and Circumstances Received Praise and Worship Christ Received Gifts and Honor Crowned as King
God expects holiness from all called by His name Prayer, worship and primary purposes of God's house Those who use God's house for personal gain are condemned Consuming zeal must…
Principles of God's call Spiritual Qualifications Moral Qualifications