Psalm 61 He’s The Rock of Our Salvation. He’s The Rock Making Our Foundation. He’s The Rock That Hears. He’s Our Rock of Refuge. He’s The Rock of Our Strength.
Focus on things that remain the same. Truth is always the same. There is sin that will beset us. The cross still changes lives. God will be God. He will…
1 The Good Shepherd is actively leading His Sheep 2 The Good Shepherd goeth before His Sheep 3 The Good Shepherd's sheep follow Him 4 The Good Shepherd's sheep know…
Why doesn't God always heal? Is God still in the business of healing people? Sometimes, it's very clear that He is; other times, it may not be so clear. Jesus…
Believers have received a kingdom which cannot be moved! This has great implications. Future truth concerning the unshakable kingdom Present reality of this unshakable kingdom How to be a part…
Does Jesus care about our burdens? Does Jesus care about our fears? Does Jesus care when we've fallen to temptation? Does Jesus care when we've lost a loved one?
We Received an Abundance of Grace, Believer's heart is to be established with grace, Strong in Grace, Grow in Grace,Mature in Relationship,Humility, Extend Grace to others, Access to the Throne…
Is Anything Too Hard For God? God's Purposes cannot be stopped Proverbs 19:21 Psalms 57:2 Philippians 1:6 Isaiah 55:8 Job 42:1-2 Psalms 138:8 God's Promises cannot be stopped Hebrews 10:23…
Message of Hope, Salvation to the Poor, Heal the Brokenhearted, Deliverance, Restoring Spiritual Sight, Freedom from Sin, Proclaim the Lord's Favor
Love-The little acts of reaching out to others in need (Dwane's Personal Experience and Thank You) Common things we share (God Loves US, Our Love for God, Our Love for…
We believe He's God We believe God hears We believe God has the answers We believe God will answer
1. An outward holiness (1 Peter 1:15-16, Rom. 12:2) 2. Characterized by humility (Phil. 2:3-8) 3. Be a servant (Phil. 2:6-7) 4. Be forgiving (Col. 3:13) 5. Known by love…
Preach Jesus and Him Crucified, Walk Christian life by faith, Live Securely in God's love
The Road We Could Have Taken The Road We Are On False Information Am I Committed to Jesus? Drop any weights Accepting God's Will for Me Am I Praising God?…
Two lies of Satan How to fight Satan Ten specific lies of Satan
Judas Iscariot - love of money Pilate - peer pressure (afraid to stand up and be different) The disciples - fear The Jewish religious leaders - willful unbelief and choosing…
Christ Died for Us, Goodness of God, Hope and Encouragement, He Can Be Trusted
God is our God In Christ, we are new creatures There is no condemnation to those in Christ
Amazing brain, but minds need renewed Attitudes of a renewed mind Likeminded Lowliness of mind
Defines Who We Are, Changes our relationships, Thinking of Myself Less
Two views of the cross, Two meanings of the cross and the results, Two identities from the cross
God's love is great God is love Does God Love Everyone? God's love is not earned or deserved God's love is loyal
Son of God Never changes Always faithful Bears our burdens He's our everything
How much are we remebering Expressing Thanks Thoughts, Words, and Actions Praise and Singing