Jesus Overcame the World, Trust God's Sovereignty, Maintain an Eternal Perspective, Rely on God's Grace
There is an immediate presence with the Lord There is consciousness, memory, and reasoning There will be recognition of other believers
Our Sovereign God’s rule Our Sovereign God’s purpose Our Sovereign God’s method
God does not judge men the same way as we do.
God is a God of wrath, Justice and Judgment related, Examples of God's wrath from Bible, Examples of God's wrath from today
Self Examination.... Purpose Definition Process Who is not worthy to partake (by choice) Whosoever that loveth father/mother more Whosoever does not take up his cross daily How do we examine…
II Corinthians 5:17 1. What it means to be "in Christ" (More than a follower) 2. The believer's Existence (A genuine belief) 3. The believer's Nature (old things vs. new…
The Spirit of Christmas (A Servant's Heart) Christmas Past: Jesus Took the Form of a Servant Christmas Present: Looking Out for Each Other with a Servant's Heart (Christ our Example)…
Highlighting false concepts and using Scripture to cast them down. “I am not good enough” – false assumption that you can generate enough goodness in the eyes of God and…
God values creatures He created, Examples of God using creatures from Scripture, Stories of animals from current times
Death to self, alive to Jesus, Die to self, new birth a type of resurrection, Ken's parable of grains of wheat, Likeness of death - likeness of resurrection
Our time on earth is owned by God. Our time management will be reckoned by God. Our time usage should glorify God. Our time is traded for either earthly or…
Parable of Widow and Unjust Judge Parable of Pharisee and publican Suffer little children to come unto Me
Avoid offending others. Be ready to forgive. Confess we are lacking (faith). Do our duty without expecting thanks.
Love the Lord thy God. Examplify Godly Character. Aspire to be a man of strength. Diligently teach and train. Encourage with time. Render due Benevolence. Sanctify with God's Word. Honor…
I AM the bread of Life I AM the Light of the World I AM the door I AM the good shephard I AM the resurrection and the Life I…
Mustard Seed (what starts out small, expands) Yeast (that which is small now, will someday be very great) Strive to enter through the narrow gate
Provoke not to Wrath Loving Correction Nurture and Admonition Developing Character Administering Discipline
Resenting God's design leads to self rejection. Accepting God's design leads to self worth. Appreciate God's design allows God's glory to shine through us.
Present Day Interruptions Christmas Narrative Interruptions Consider Scriptures (Scriptural Support for Key Interruptions)
Heart Level Loving God Life Experiences Guiding Principles
What it means to follow Jesus v57-58 Jesus basically homeless v59-60 Bury father v61-62 Bid farewell Application
Children As Arrows Will Your Children Influence The World? What Is Your Aim?
Let Us Go Over Christ Arose And Rebuked Power Over Demonic Forces