God is a Jealous God, Peculiar People, Strangers and Pilgrims, Known of God, True Humility, Fervent Prayer, Draw Nigh to God
Biblical references to night Plagues of Egypt - Passover Saul and witch at Endor Daniel in lions' den at night Esther king not sleep at night Paul and Silas praised…
How to Press On Distress (pressing on when in distress) Patience (while pressing on through trail and trusting God) Glory in infirmities (while pressing on) Stand for our convictions (while…
The Fear of God (evidence in a Christian's life) Deep Respect and Reverence of God Awe of God and Submission to God Understand God's awesome Power. See God's awesome Mercy.…
1. The strong bear the infirmities of the weaker. 2. We are not to please ourselves.
Relationships, Endeavor to keep unity, Requires effort and sacrifice, Be thankful for each other
Building a greater desire to believe and know the truth The Spirit of truth Walk in truth Worship in truth Pray in truth How much do I want truth?
Follow After God's Holiness, God's Wrath, Reading the Word, Taking up the Cross Daily, New Insights, Crucified with Christ, Thought Life, Victory thru Christ
Wonder of Wonders, By Him all things created, Sinless life, Sacrificial death, Ascended, coming again
Jesus' Appearance, Jesus Says Peace, Disciples Fearful, Jesus Opens Understanding, Eyewitnesses, Remission of Sin
Responses to trials, God is there, Lord teaching patience, Look ahead, Clear conscience, Prayer, Praise, Upward view
Insights from Ezra History to this point Temple built and trouble with it People not separated from people of land
Father's Day, Walk in the Old Paths, Nonconformity, Love Not the World, Stedfastness, Glorify God in Dress
Prophecies of Resurrection Power of Resurrection Purpose of Resurrection Proof of Resurrection
Choices we may have made in the past Examples of good choices Examples of bad choices Culture can dictate our choices Make decisions with the counsel of others Make decisions…
What is encouragement Why we need encouragement How to give encouragement
Viewed Jesus as a threat and competition, Parable of a vineyard, Questioning the Son's Authority and not his Identity, Man rejects all authority, Any Authority granted is stewardship, Any Authority…
Mount of Olives, Jesus Needs the Colt, They Brought the Colt, Master over the Crowd, Jesus Wept over City, Jesus wants to give Peace, Redeemed with the Lamb
Lifts the spirit, Teaches and admonishes one another, Brings honor and praise to the Lord
Bond of marriage - love and respect "Marriage is what you make it" Mutual ownership between spouses Instructions in specific circumstances
Difference in their lives Difference in their Deaths Difference in their Eternities
Total Commitment, Bearing the Cross, Give up all that he is, Give up all that we have, Give up our Friends, Fully surrending to the Lord Jesus, Salt of Discipleship
Suffering is call to repentance. Suffering not necessarily direct result of sin. Tree with every advantange failed. Tree put there to bear fruit. Owner longsuffering. Judgement coming.