Pleasant Hill Brethren

Ordinary and Ordained of God

February 28, 2016
Ordinary Men Jesus Taught Them They Were Spirit Led They Realized Who They Were Jesus Interceeded for Them Rest in God's Call

An Active Church

January 31, 2016
Receive The Word of God A Devoted Church Stedfast in Doctrine Stedfast in Fellowship Stedfast in Breaking Bread Stedfast in Prayers A Respected Church  

Fear Not

January 3, 2016
Living in Fear is Sin Jesus has absolute power Jesus has absolute knowledge Jesus Will Guard His Children

To Everything A Purpose

November 22, 2015
Why We Believe Like We Do Renewing of Your Mind Be Honest Exhort One Another Our Heart Thought Life

Is It For Real?

April 6, 2014
Counterfeits Divine help The beast Kind of Fruit Study the Word Book of Life