Jesus loves His Church, Message to and value of church, Universal church, Local church
God allows us to choose, Cup of blessing v cup of wrath of God, Marriage supper of the Lamb v supper of Great God of judgment, New Jerusalem v lake…
Come let us reason together, and make good choices, Cell phones can be more dangerous than guns, Dangers of technology, Risk v benefits
We will conform to someone, One body members one of another, Appearance, Finances, Transformed to will of God
Faith is belief that produces action demonstrating confidence, What is Faith, Great faith examples, Little faith
Unmerited Favor of God, Dead in Sins, But God, Grace Can Be Abused, Freedom from Sin, Deny Wordly Lusts, Grace Teaches and Guides Us, Look Diligently
Eleazar - battled with two mighty men against the Philistines Shammah - defended a bean field by himself against the Philistines Three unnamed men - gathered water from the well…
Fear of the Lord defined and explained, The Greatness of God, God's holiness, Greatness of God's creation, Finality of God's judgment
Halting between two opinions (vs.21) Cry a little louder (vs.27-29) The alter rebuilt (vs.30-35) God honors Elijah's prayer (vs.36-39)
Shallow or emotional followers, response of faith Put family before call to follow God Look back to world, or follow Jesus? Are we strangers or comfortable?
Jesus' Sorrow Jesus' Prayer Instruction Jesus Gave Betrayal By Judas