Understanding the humility of Jesus Taking on the form of a servant He became obedient To fulfill God’s plan
The Deception of Satan How does deception start? Plants a Seed of Doubt Genesis 3:1 [Genesis 2:16-17] Comes as an Angel of Light II Cor 11:14-15 How do we protect…
Key Verse: Psalm 95:6 Three Ways to Come to Worship to God. Come in Body. Come in Spirit or Attitude (come humbly before our Maker) Come in Private. Ways to…
God’s power and authority in His words God’s power and authority in love God’s power and authority in forgiveness
Characteristics of Hell Fire Darkness Bondage Torments of Hell Loneliness Pain Suffering Be an overcomer To have an ear and listen to the Holy Spirit Hold fast Practical ways to…
In the world but not of the world, Why we rub shoulders with the world, Dangers of this, Summary
Self Control, What is Temperance? Drunkenness, Glutony, II Pet. 1:5-8, Dead to Sin, Give our all to God, Benefits of Temperance, Incorruptible Crown, Life of Freedom
The Conclusion (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) Fear God: Fear = Holy Awe (Reverence) Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom/Knowledge Fearing God brings pleasure to the Lord Keep His Commandments Love…
God provides for us (1. Good church/under shepherds 2. Jesus wants to keep us together. 3. Jesus makes a way to come back to Him. 4. Jesus protects us from…
Be of one mind. Have a perfect heart. Obedience to God (One place) Physical evidence of change. One language. Breaking of bread (Singleness)
John the Baptist Spiritual warriors Armor of God
He is coming again. Am I letting Him reign in my life? Am I willing to be a servant now or bow later?