Pleasant Hill Brethren

Couples Lesson

February 14, 2018
Today's Version of Love God's Version of Love Love, Reverence, Respect The Devil Desires to Destroy the Home The Unsaved World Set Up their Own Standards


July 23, 2017
Satan Gets People to Question God The Reality of Hell How Terrible is Hell? Road Blocks to Hell Only One Way to Be Saved

Shepherding The Heart

April 17, 2016
The Enemy is Seeking Whom He May Devour Believe & Live by His Words How Serious is Our Examples How Deep is Our Love For Them That Hurt Us There…
The Joy of the Lord New Life is Visable Prayer Life Hunger For The Word of God Will Suffer Adversity Victory Over Temptation and Sin We Wait With Joy for…


July 19, 2015
Death is sure Attitude towards death Are you ready to die?


June 17, 2012
Mighty in Spirit Heroes to Children Protect Family