God's Love Redemption Grace Door of Hope
Meaning Application Signs of repentance
Humble ourselves Peace Deliverance Isaiah 65
Laodicia Philadelphia Lukewarm
Immorality Idolatry Women in leadership
Tolerance Faithful False doctrine
Fear persecution Poverty Faithful to death
Speaking With One Voice No Divisions Among Us Thoughtful Application
Besetting sin Patience Legacy
Can it come into the Church? Prosperous & Arrogant Daring God to do Something
Concerned Father Bondage Magnified If thou canst believe
Men need to preach Church Plays Important Roll The Gospel never Changes
Refusing to Obey Repentance & Faith Faith will be Tested
Relationships God's Authority Aggressive women, passive men
Pass Blame Lost Leadership Angry Children
Hold truth in unrighteousness Reject God, venerate nature God gives them up
Squander opportunity Religious regulation Rest for souls
Definition God Deals Remedy
Compare Mark, Matthew Not ashamed to confess need to Jesus Anointing
common salvation Identify false teachers Doom of False Teachers
Flesh Spirit Promise
How faith attacked Satan desires us Sifting wheat
Feeding 5000 bread & fish preach the Word
commitment strange women encouragement
Advocate Imputed Propitiation