Pleasant Hill Brethren

Kingdom Series Part 2 (Previous in Series: The Kingdom of God Part 1: 14April2024) Kingdom of Israel Choosing and Calling of Israel. The Commencement of the Wilderness Wondering. Ruled by…
The Kingdom of God Two Kingdoms (Kingdom of Christ/Kingdom of Satan) Kingdom of Christ: Initiated by teaching of Christ Kingdom work in the past and the future. Entered through the…
Results of an Intimate Relationship with God Knowing God more (Intimacy with God) will cause us to... 1. We Will Seek Holiness 2.We Become More Obedient to Him 3. The…

Technology in Prophetic Events

November 26, 2023
The Tribulation The Millennium The credit card Computer chips Social media Prophecy and AI Smartphones Watch and be ready
The supernatural involvement in life and victory Overconfidence breeds failure Realize change is coming Watch and pray to overcome temptation

The Fiery Serpent

March 12, 2023
v1-3 Their confidence in victory v4-5 They forgot the past victories and the future victory. v6-7 Christ is the only way to victory. v8-9 God's grace in action

John 3:16

September 4, 2022
For God, Gave Only Begotten Son, Whosoever Believes, Trust, Should Not Perish, Everlasting Life, Love
Drifting from a relationship with God Drifting to accept substitute gods Consequences of drifting Stop the drift

Lunch with Jesus

December 12, 2021
Focussed on the outer instead of the inner. Emphased the lest weighty more than the weightier. Chosed to be worshiped instead of worshiping. Chosed to be ministers of death instead…

Youth and the Local Church

October 24, 2021
Pillar of Truth Safe Place to Share Place to Worship God in Spirit and Truth Cut off Source of Doubts Check Doctrine

Loving Your Spouse

February 14, 2021
Understanding Her Weakness Understanding How to Change Him Understanding Your Spouse's Desire For Intimacy Understanding Your Wife is Your Equal Partner in the Kingdom of God

From my Heart

October 18, 2020
Consider One Another Provoke unto Love Exhorting Fellowship