Pleasant Hill Brethren

The People on Your Block

December 15, 2019
How Do you Share The Gospel? A Witness Leads One Into Deeper Thinking A Witness Will Confront Sin and Then Present Jesus A Witness Will Deal With Deflection Of Truth…
Control Relationships Meaning and Purpose Rewiring Release of Dopemean Our worth in Jesus Christ Face to Face Interactions

Love And Respect in Marriage

January 20, 2019
Basic Need For Love And Respect Women Want Value For Who They Are Men Want Respect Never Assume You Are Meeting Your Spouces Needs Men And Women Respond Differently to…
Married to Christ The Unbeliever is Controlled by the Law The Believer is Controlled by the Spirit We Died With Christ The Law Reveals the Fact of Sin The Law…
Adoration to be complete and thorough Circle of blessing - start and end with blessing Remember the past, how God blessed Requires all within us Bless by way of attributes

Fire of God

December 31, 2017
Phenomenon of Fire Fire Gives Light Fire Needs Fuel  


November 5, 2017
Judge Truth By God's Word God's Word Makes us Perfect Is It Result Oriented or Scripture Oriented?

The Prayer Of Intercession

August 20, 2017
Moses Presents Influenced God Appealing On The Basic of God's Attributes Prayer Can Influence God's Path Who Can Stand in the Breach? Come Boldly It Takes Time

Persistent Prayer

July 16, 2017
Heed Spirit's call to go to Jesus Silence from God does not mean rejection Persistance brings worship Hindrances

The Closet Prayer

February 5, 2017
Preeminance of prayer Purpose of prayer Foundations of closet prayer