Pleasant Hill Brethren


April 21, 2019
Road to Emmaus Women at tomb Mary and guards response to resurrection

Year End Reflections

December 30, 2018
Older Ones Should Go Forward Younger Ones Need To Pray For Leaders Love at Home Obedience to Those that Rule Praise to God


April 22, 2018
You Have to Believe All Have Sin All Have Come Short of the Glory of God Justified Freely Our Propitiation Jutified by Faith One God, One Faith We All Need…


July 23, 2017
What is Hell? Who will go there? Who will be there?

Talk About Heaven

April 30, 2017
Where is Heaven? Heaven is a Real Place What will Heaven be like?


November 29, 2015
Days Are Numbered Our Change Will Come Realize How Great God Is It Pays to Trust Jesus Patience Christians Wait In Hope
The Constitution False Foundations Jesus the Foundation Chief Corner Stone The Cross The Word The Blood

Brevity of Life, Trust God

August 10, 2014
Trust in Him Trust not Lying Words Trust not Riches Trust not a Friend Trust not Government Trust not Yourself


April 6, 2014
Meaning of redeemed Meaning to us Benefits